Monday, March 10, 2008

Saturday Rodeo

The rodeo was fun. The kids enjoyed it, except that Princess had a tummy ache & some poopy problems. Other than that, everything went well.
It. Was. Freakin. Cold. Though.

LittleMan rode the mechanical bull again. This time they actually turned it up and bucked him around. We went to a different bull this time though, one inside, because. It. Was. Freakin. Cold.

Hubby bought me my centerpiece that I've been wanting for my kitchen table. I had found a similar one online, but it cost over $100! This one didn't.

And we won't go back to the 4pm show again. It was shorter and when we left ... at 630 ... I felt like I had just got there.

Next year, it's back to the 8pm show. The only reason we opted for the 4pm was because we brought Princess this year. It was her first time. =)

But next year, yeah, 8pm. It may end late, but we're gonna get a hotel room.



Looks like they had loads of fun.

Dixie said...

Your kids are cutie patooties!!

My son would loooove a rodeo! I took him to Horsetown the other day and he nearly died from all the boots and hats to look at.