Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Catch Up

Friday I went with R, my SIL to the movie theater. We watched National Treasure 2. I really didn't want to go, I was sick & I was tired and it was the 9pm show. Plus, I never seen National Treasure 1. But since I never get to go hardly anywhere without the kids, and I rarely get to spend time with R, I went anyway.

It was a good movie. I really enjoyed it. But it just wasn't my kind of movie. I still don't plan on watching part 1.

Early this morning, we had severe storms roll through Bama. They cancelled school today for our area. It didn't get too bad at our house, but it was scary watching the news. Hubby had already left for work before it started up here. So having him gone was probably the main reason it got scary for me.

LittleMan is enjoying his day off. He's already woke Baby Boy up twice and I've wanted to lock him in his room. I personally think they should have just started school late ......

Tomorrow I have an appointment at my dentist for a cleaning. And I can't find anyone to keep Princess, so I guess she's gonna have to go with me. I hope she behaves while we're there.

And I have Baby Boy again Friday. This is my first week keeping him more than 3 days, so my pay increases too. YAY!

Hubby & LittleMan will be camping/horse riding this weekend, so what are me & Princess doing ??? You guessed it .... Thrift Store!

How is your week going?



Hey, chickie! Glad to know you guys are ok, what with all the tornadoes and storms down that way..we had high winds/thunder storms here all night last night. Thank God our power didn't go out...I have never seen either one of the National Treasure movies..rented the first one, never got around to the time you have a chance, you ought to see the Bucket that was a great movie! Hope your day is going better...I am now home with a sick one...God knows how my night is going to unfold..later.